Perseverance 3rd October ’22

Our card for tonight’s meditation was Perseverance

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”

Ella Fitzgerald

Our journey began with little guidance, only the occasional light language and the song which helped us fall into the meditation.

Shortly we were prompted to become of aware of where our mind and intuition had taken us. We observed without judgement and detached from any meaning. Each of us seeing something different. Memories of the past, visions of the future or even something abstract. Whatever it was, it was perfect.

There was a reason why our journey led us to this moment. We allowed ourselves to explore and interact to discover the purpose of this journey.

We found it, the purpose. Well, at least we thought we did. We learnt that what we had discovered was not it, it was a creation of what we thought or wanted it to be, something driven not out of purity, but out of need and wanting.

To find the true meaning we had to stop. Stop searching, stop creating, stop adding meaning. We were guided to become silent and still and to open ourselves to receive.

What came to us wasn’t an answer, it wasn’t something physical, nor was it something that could be said in words. It was a way of being, an altered state, a state where anything is possible.

We were reminded that no matter what it is that we are persevering through, this state of being is possible and not only is it possible, but it is powerful and all that matters.

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